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text that says Crystals Rocks Minerals

What Type of Mineral is Orthoclase?

orthoclase feldspar mineral

Orthoclase Common Rock Forming Mineral

Orthoclase is an abundant rock forming mineral that can be found in most types of granite.  It occurs mostly as white or pink coloured crystals.

The pink crystals in granite are orthoclase.

Orthoclase is part of the family of minerals known as feldspar.

Amazonite, labradorite, sunstone and moonstone are all feldspar minerals.  Moonstone is made up primarily of orthoclase.

Orthoclase has been identified in igneous rocks brought back from the Moon and also in those identified on Mars. 

Article Picture

The orthoclase in our picture is from Nevada. The photo is clickable and redirects to the original image. Courtesy of Stan Celestian.

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