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What is Metaphysics?

What does Metaphysical Mean?

Metaphysics (noun) is the branch of philosophy that deals with abstract concepts such as being, existence, and reality.

'Metaphysical' (adjective) describes something pertaining to metaphysics.  It's used to describe a concept, idea or phenomenon that's beyond the physical realm.  Something metaphysical is not easily explained by traditional scientific understanding.

'Metaphysics originates from a collective title given to a set of fourteen books written by ancient Greek philosopher Aristotle.

The word was not used by Aristotle himself.  It was coined some hundred years later by a philosopher from Rhodes who published new editions of his works.

The exact meaning of the Greek words "ta meta ta phusika" in relation to the works by Aristotle is not fully understood. The literal translation is “the after the physicals” or "the ones after the physical ones”.

This is believed to be a reference to the fourteen books known today as Aristotle's Physics.

Some scholars claim the purpose of using this title may have been to warn students that metaphysics (meta meaning "after") should only be attempted after the 'physical' books about nature and the natural world had been studied.

The reason is that in the natural world, everything is constantly changing, while metaphysics describes things that do not change.

(ref; Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy

Metaphysics is a branch of philosophy that examines the fundamental nature of reality. It explores a more abstract understanding of the world.

It examines existence, identity, mind and matter, substance, cause and effect, time and space.  It asks deep and meaningful questions that cannot be explained by science.

Metaphysics questions basic principles and the nature of human existence.  It looks for answers that go beyond what we can see or touch. It tries to understand what it means to be real, how our mind and body are connected and why things happen the way they do.

It asks difficult questions about the deeper aspects of reality. It tries to understand what things are made of, how they exist and the bigger meaning behind them.

Metaphysics is about stretching your imagination to think about the world differently and to ask questions that are not easy to answer.

Difference Between Metaphysics and Physics

Physics is the branch of science that focuses on understanding the fundamental laws and principles that govern the physical world.

It explores the nature of matter, energy, and forces and how they interact with each other.

Physics is the study of the tangible and observable aspects of the universe, including motion, sound, light, electricity, and gravity.

Physics helps us understand how the world works on a physical level. It uses experiments, observations and mathematical models to explain phenomena and make predictions. Physics aims to uncover fundamental laws and principles that govern the behaviour of matter, energy, and forces.

Metaphysics takes a more abstract approach. It tries to gain an understanding of concepts such as being, identity, time and space.  It tries to understand why we're here, our purpose, the meaning of life and what happens to consciousness after we die.

Metaphysical Properties of Crystals

In relation to crystals, the term 'metaphysical healing properties' is widely used.

Metaphysical perspectives view crystals as more than just geological structures.  They associate them with specific energies, vibrations and healing properties.

This perspective suggests that crystals can interact with the human energy field.  In doing so, they're believed to promote balance, well-being and spiritual growth.

Metaphysical beliefs propose that different crystals have unique properties that can enhance meditation, promote clarity, improve concentration, amplify intentions or support mental, physical and emotional healing.

There is an interesting array of perspectives regarding the healing ability of crystals. Beliefs vary widely from person to person.

The abundance of information that's available on this subject has led to a myriad of interpretations.  Information is often exaggerated and blown out of context.

Many who discuss crystal healing have little practical experience in this field. All too often knowledge is acquired through unreliable or untrustworthy sources.

This has led to a huge amount of inaccurate, distorted and misleading information becoming available.

The Concept of Metaphysical

The concept of metaphysical extends well beyond the physical realm.  It examines the profound and mysterious aspects of existence.

The purpose of exploring the metaphysical in relation to crystals is to gain a more profound understanding of ourselves. 

Although the scientific evidence regarding their healing properties is inconclusive, their significance lies in the subjective experiences and personal journeys they inspire.

Metaphysical beliefs surrounding crystal healing offer a glimpse into the complex world of human spirituality and our innate desire for holistic well-being.

Whether you approach crystals with scepticism, open-minded curiosity or unwavering belief, their appeal and the potential for personal growth and transformation cannot be denied.

Their effectiveness largely depends on our intention, openness and connection to the world around us. Using crystals can help shape our perceptions and guide us on our path in life.

Irrespective of proven facts and science, crystals have the ability to spark our imagination, expand consciousness and deepen our understanding of the mysteries that lie deep within ourselves and beyond.
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