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Eudialyte Properties, Facts and Photos

eudialyte mineral specimen

Eudialyte Meaning and Composition

The meaning of eudialyte (pronounced you~die~a~lite) comes from the Greek words, 'eu' meaning 'well' and 'dialytos' meaning 'decomposable'.  This refers to the fact that its crystals decompose particularly well in acids.  In some cases they dissolve completely.

Eudialyte was first described in 1819 in Greenland by German professor of chemistry Friedrich Stromeyer.

The location where it's found helps with correct identification because eudialyte is a rare and complicated mineral.  Crystals are known to have as many as 46 different chemical elements.

Eudialyte occurs in alkaline igneous rocks.  These type of rocks are formed from magma rich in alkali elements such as potassium and sodium.

It's often associated with other minerals such as feldspar, nepheline, aegirine and zircon. Eudialyte forms in the late stages of crystallization as magma cools and solidifies. 

This complex mineral is mined primarily in Mount Saint Hilaire in Canada and the Kola Peninsula in Russia.  It can also be found in Greenland, Norway and Arkansas in the USA.

In this photo just the reddish coloured crystals are eudialyte.

rough eudialyte mineral specimen

Eudialyte contains zirconium as one of its constituent elements.  The amount is relatively small so it's not economically viable to extract it on a large scale.

The mineral zircon is a more abundant and commercially important source of this chemical element.

Zirconium is a lustrous, greyish-white metal that's highly resistant to corrosion, heat and wear.  It has many highly desirable properties so is used by many industries   

Eudialyte is valued as a mineral specimen and gemstone due to its unique and attractive colours.  Collectors appreciate it for its aesthetic qualities rather than for its importance as an ore of zirconium.

Eudialyte grades 5 to 5.5 on Mohs scale of mineral hardness.

'Almandine spar' has been used as an alternative name for eudialyte.  There's very little information available on the origins of this name.  There is no connection between the mineral eudialyte and the variety of garnet known as almandine.  Garnet and eudialyte are different minerals.

Eudialyte Healing Properties

Eudialyte helps with self-love and aids giving love to others. It's known as a stone of friendship and forgiveness.

This makes it beneficial for emotional healing and promoting harmony within a relationship.

Eudialyte replenishes energy levels in cases of over exertion and increases vitality. It can offer support and strength if you're run down or recovering from minor illness.

It promotes clarity and proactive thinking and moves thought processes away from harsh self-criticism. It eradicates monotony, encourages curiosity and creativity and intellectual involvement.

Eudialyte supports those who lead busy lives by providing an opportunity to pause and reassess priorities and engagements.

It enables you to focus more effectively on what truly matters. It clears mental fog allowing for better focus and concentration.

Eudialyte can be used to enhance the dream experience. Sleeping with it under your pillow or close to your bed can open the doors to lucid dreaming, astral travel and profound spiritual encounters.

It acts as a conduit between the conscious and subconscious, inviting transformative insights and facilitating profound inner exploration.

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The eudialyte at the top comes from Nyorkpakhk Mountain, north of the Vuonemmiok River, west central Kola Peninsula in the far north west of Russia.  Photo courtesy of James St.John.

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