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Smoky Quartz Properties, Facts and Photos

two smoky quartz terminated crystals in matrix speckled with garnet

Introduction to Smoky Quartz

Smoky quartz is well known for its large, translucent to transparent, well-formed crystals, often free from inclusions.

It's one of only a few black or brown minerals from which gemstones are cut. Others include black beryl, which is relatively rare, and black and brown corundum

The colour of smoky quartz can be light brown to yellowish brown to a shade so dark that it almost appears black. It can also be slightly grey. The very dark brown crystals, which can look opaque, are known as morion.

Black quartz crystals, often found in gypsum, anhydrite, and limestone, are sometimes mistaken for very dark brown smoky quartz

'Morion' seems to have originated from the works of the ancient Roman author, naturalist and natural philosopher Pliny the Elder. In the chapter on minerals in his encyclopaedia Naturalis Historia, he refers to mormorion as a very dark, translucent stone from India. It's believed the name 'morion' was a misreading of this name. 

The colour of smoky quartz is caused when natural radiation from surrounding rock interacts with impurities of aluminium.
smoky quartz, a short terminated crystalSmoky quartz is relatively common, so is not usually particularly expensive. That said, a considerable amount of smoky quartz being sold is clear quartz that's been heated to produce the smokey colour. The reason is that natural smoky quartz is less common.

Low-grade natural citrine can also be used.

Some smoky quartz will fade when exposed to UV light for extended periods. Crystals that have been irradiated will almost certainly fade.  

The variety of smoky quartz known as 'Cairngorm' is mined on Cairn Gorm, a mountain in the eastern Highlands of Scotland. Crystals from Cairn Gorm are smokey-yellowish brown but can also be greyish-brown.

Smoky quartz crystals can be found in several countries, including Australia, Brazil, India, Kazakhstan, Madagascar, Russia, Zimbabwe, South Africa, Tanzania, Ukraine, Switzerland and the USA.

Smoky Quartz Properties

Smoky quartz repels negative energy and is particularly effective for dealing with anger and resentment.

It can help ease panic attacks, anxiety, and nightmares and brings deep emotional calmness.

Smoky quartz has exceptional grounding and protective properties. It's often used to enhance concentration, clear mental clutter, and bring a sense of stability.

It's believed to detoxify mind and body, making it a popular choice for those seeking to balance their energy and achieve a more centred state of well-being.

Smoky quartz can enhance spiritual growth and development. When used in meditation, it helps to deepen the connection to one's higher self and the spiritual realm.

Article Photos

The smoky quartz with garnet at the top of this is courtesy of Stan Celestian. It's clickable and redirects to the original image.

Pop-up photos: Dark brown smoky quartz - Courtesy of Ron Wolf. Gypsum (variety selenite) - Courtesy of Stan Celestian. Anhydrite - Courtesy of James St. John. 
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