Sugilite Tumbled Stones Grade B
Sugilite is a rare mineral that comes primarily from the Kalahari Manganese Field. Located in the Northern Cape Province of South Africa, it's the largest land-based manganese deposit on Earth.
Due to sugilite being in very short supply it's difficult to find and extremely expensive.
In the past we have always had grade A sugilite tumbled stones in our collection. These crystals are classed as grade B. The difference between these stones and sugilite tumbled stones that we've had in the past is quite significant.
The problem with this rare mineral is that not only are grade A stones in very short supply but where available the retail price would be around £25 for a relatively small stone.
The size of these sugilite tumbled stones does vary from piece to piece. They're available in large and extra large. Although it can't really be appreciated from our photos they're highly polished.
When used for its healing properties sugilite is a major love stone that represents spiritual love and wisdom.
We only have a small number of these tumbled stones available.