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Fluorite Crystal Healing Properties

man laying down having a crystal healing treatment

What is Fluorite Used For?

Fluorite has powerful healing properties that can help with mental clarity and focus. It can benefit those who are indecisive and help you to focus on your goals.

Fluorite stimulates the mind, so can be used to enhance memory and learning. It can increase mental awareness and assist with organising and processing information.

The late Judy Hall, author of the Crystal Bible books, says fluorite has powerful emotional healing properties. It can help release negative emotions and motivate you to release emotional attachments.

Fluorite crystals can be used to promote self-love, self-confidence and self-worth. Their calming energy melts away stress and anxiety.

Fluorite is often used in meditation because it promotes spiritual growth and inner peace.

In crystal healing, fluorite is said to enhance intuition, increase awareness of spiritual energies, and help build a connection with one's higher self.

It can also be used to protect against negative energy and to provide a shield against psychic attacks.

You may choose a specific colour when using fluorite for its healing properties. Purple can be used for spiritual healing, green for emotional healing and yellow for mental clarity and focus.

How to Charge Fluorite Crystals

Crystal healers recommend cleansing fluorite before using it for the first time. Crystals can be safely submerged in water but should not be left for any length of time.

I wouldn't recommend using salt when cleansing any crystal. Salt is corrosive, so can damage many minerals, especially those that are soft, like fluorite.

The colour of some fluorite is sensitive to light so is known to fade when exposed to UV light (natural daylight). Excessive heat may also cause colours to change.

It's often recommended that crystals used for their healing properties be charged in sunlight to rid them of negative energy. However, since some fluorite is sensitive to heat and light, I would not recommend doing this.

Crystals can also be charged in the light of the moon. If leaving them outside, be aware of the temperature and weather conditions such as rain or frost.

Another effective way of charging crystals is through smudging.
a lady smudging a blue crystal with smoke. She has various other minerals and a candle burning on the tray in front of her

What is Smudging?

Smudging is a cleansing ritual used in crystal healing and other spiritual practices. It removes negative energy and purifies a space or object.

Smudging involves burning herbs, often sage, but any herb can be used. Palo Santo, which is particularly popular, can also be used.

Palo santo is wood from palo santo trees found primarily in South America. 

In crystal healing, smudging is a great alternative to submerging crystals in water or charging them in the sun. The smoke is believed to remove negative energy that may have built up.

Many crystals used for their healing properties absorb negative energy from the environment and those who handle them. Smudging can help reset or recharge the energy, hence restoring their natural vibration.

The best way to smudge your crystals is with a smudge stick. Hold one crystal at a time in the smoke for a few seconds whilst rotating it to ensure all sides are cleansed.

Many people who use crystals say they often feel more energised after being smudged.

Smudging can also be used to cleanse the energy of a space. This tends to be done at the beginning or end of a crystal healing session or meditation practice.

The mineral fluorite is widely used for its metaphysical healing properties.

It's a colourful crystal that forms in cubes and octahedrons. An octahedron resembles two pyramids joined base to base.purple cube shaped crystal of the mineral fluorite on matrixFluorite crystals are relatively soft, so must be handled carefully. They can chip, crack or fracture easily, so it's not unusual for stones to have minor imperfections.

Fluorite has a vitreous lustre. Rocks and minerals with this kind of lustre reflect light in a similar way to glass.

Fluorite twinned crystals are relatively common. Crystals that occur in this way look as if one crystal is merging into another.

In its purest form, fluorite is colourless, but trace impurities of other minerals cause a wide range of colours. Fluorite is often known as 'the most colourful mineral in the world' because it can exhibit more colours than any other mineral.three colourful fluorite terminated points

Article Photos

The purple cube-shaped fluorite crystal is courtesy of Stan Celestian. It's clickable and redirects to the original full-sized image.

The fluorite terminated points, and the fluorite crystals in our pop-up photos come from our collection. 

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