Rich Pink Rhodonite Stone
Rhodonite occurs in various shades of pink to deep red. Stones are often veined with manganese oxides. These black markings can occur as fracture fillings or be part of the matrix. The matrix is the rock in which the mineral forms. The markings can also be dendritic.
Dendrites often resemble organic matter but are crystal formations with a 'branching form'. They're similar to the crystallisation that can be seen on glass windows when it's freezing cold.
The markings form when a crust of manganese oxides cover the surface of rhodonite during oxidisation. This chemical reaction is similar to the change of colour in an apple after it has been peeled.
When used for its metaphysical properties rhodonite is associated with the heart chakra. By removing blockages it allows energy to flow freely enabling emotional wounds and scars to heal.
Rhodonite offers support during times of need and can be a great companion when dealing with difficult and emotional situations.