Rare Pietersite Polished Mineral
Pietersite is a relatively rare and beautiful mineral from Namibia. Although once also found in China, the deposit has been closed for many years because of flooding.
Despite doing a considerable amount of our buying in South Africa which is just across the border, it's still incredibly difficult to find pietersite of this grade. Most of the material available has either been turned into cabochons or is pretty low grade.
First described in 1962, pietersite is a type of brecciated tigers eye which exhibits lustrous tones of blue and brown. The finest material can be slightly chatoyant.
Pietersite has similar characteristics to tigers eye but the two formed under very different conditions.
This shard of pietersite is quite magnificent. It has only been polished on one side. Chatoaynce can be seen in small sections especially those with darker shades of colour.