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How to Use Crystals for Beginners

Where to Start with Crystals?

There is no definitive answer for how to use crystals for beginners. That's because everyone uses them in different ways.

Crystal healing is an alternative therapy so its effects can vary from one person to the next.

For some, they can be exceptionally powerful, while for others the experience may not amount to much.   

With there being so many different ways to use crystals you'll need to explore and experiment until you find what works best for you.

Crystal healing is most effective when practised with an open mind.  The experience should be deeply calming and to some degree, spiritual.

You are the master of your destiny. Only you can bring about change. Do nothing, and life will remain the same.

Alternative therapies which include crystal healing, hypnosis, yoga and many others, are not for sceptics.  They require a profound desire for change that must come from within.

What does Healing Mean?

Healing encompasses a broad spectrum of experiences and outcomes. It varies from something minor that will bring subtle improvement to the quality of one's life to addressing something more profound that requires significant transformation.

Healing is the restoration of balance, well-being, and wholeness. It's an ongoing process that promotes growth and resilience and reduces suffering. 

Healing can be physical, emotional, mental or spiritual. The process takes time, it doesn't happen in days and rarely happens in weeks.  With commitment and belief in the practice being used, some healing can always be achieved.

Healing is a deeply personal journey that takes a different path for everyone.  What may constitute healing for one person may not be the same for another. Its true meaning depends on the circumstances, needs, goals and desires of the individual seeking it.

As a beginner who wants to explore how to use crystals, the first question you must ask yourself is what do I want to achieve? 

Be realistic and don't set your expectations too high.  Crystals do not have magical powers, their healing ability is driven by the heart and mind of those who use them.

I Have Some Crystals What Now?

When using crystals for the first time, it's worth remembering that there are many ways to incorporate them into your life.

As with anything new, it will take time and patience but using crystals for their healing properties can be enjoyable and fulfilling.

To begin it's important to set a clear intention for the crystals you wish to use.  Activating and programming them is believed to unlock their full potential.  It amplifies their energy and aligns them with what you're hoping to achieve.

Our blog article "How Do Crystals Work?" explains how to activate and programme your crystals.  You can read it here.

Meditation is the easiest way for a beginner to start using crystals. 

To get the most out of your crystal healing session, find a peaceful place in your home where you won't be disturbed. It could be a corner of your bedroom, a serene spot in the garden, or anywhere that just feels right. 
Creating the right atmosphere is an important part of the crystal healing experience.  Calming sounds and smells may help you to achieve a deeper state of relaxation.
Light candles or burn incense with a delicate fragrance.  You don't want anything overpowering.  Lavender, sandalwood, ylang ylang, frankincense and sage are some of the most popular scents. 
Consider playing music that resonates with your desired state of mind. Many people use sounds of nature or soothing instrumentals.  
candles in different sizes burning surrounded by small crystalsChoose the first crystal that you wish to use.  Different crystals can be explored.  Some you'll enjoy working with more than others.

The most popular crystals to work with include clear quartz, amethyst, rose quartz and malachite.

Don't let others influence your choice.  Trust your intuition and select stones you feel drawn to.  Some will resonate more with your intentions than others.  

Crystals should be cleansed and charged before being used.  Our blog article "How to Cleanse and Charge Crystals" explains a few of the ways to do this but there are many different ways to cleanse and charge crystals.

Once your space is ready, sit in a comfortable position.  You can hold or place your crystals in front or around you.  Take a few deep breaths and allow yourself to relax.  Sit up straight and roll your shoulders down and slightly back.

Meditating with crystals can enhance the experience and make it more profound.  They can also give the meditation a specific purpose. 

If you're new to meditation, there are many great guided meditations online.  Some may be more enjoyable than others.

The first few times you meditate don't try to do too much.  Concentrate on maintaining awareness of the present moment.  Focus on your breathing, feelings and bodily sensations.  Open your mind to what the crystals may be able to achieve.

Crystals, rocks, and minerals have evolved slowly over millions of years.  They're the building blocks of our planet and as such, many people believe they hold a profound energy that can be harnessed for therapeutic healing and spiritual growth.

Incorporating them into meditation can be a deeply transformative experience.

Keeping an open mind is an opportunity for self-reflection and self-discovery.  The ultimate aim is to achieve a harmonious alignment between mind, body and soul.  This can take you on a journey that facilitates deep relaxation, focus and a heightened sense of awareness.

Even for those who are sceptical about the healing ability of crystals, they still have so much to offer.

Every stone you're ever likely to handle will have come from a larger rock with a history spanning millions of years.  Each one is a symbolic reminder of the deep connection we humans have with the Earth.

Holding a crystal during meditation can serve as a tangible focal point, helping concentration and facilitating a more profound sense of calm and clarity.

Keeping an open and positive mind will give the possibility of healing a far better chance, even if it is caused by the placebo effect.

The decision to use crystals for their healing properties is ultimately a decision that each person must make for themselves.

Regardless of one's belief, there is no denying the beauty and appeal of these natural materials.  Their presence can enhance the meditative state by acting as a symbol of connection, a source of inspiration and a tool for concentration.

Whether you view them as a conduit of energy or as objects of aesthetic appeal, you have nothing to lose by embracing their potential for personal growth and self-reflection. 

By remaining open to the mysteries of the natural world, we can deepen our understanding of ourselves and our place within the universe.

In the end, the true value of crystals lies not only in their perceived healing abilities but also in the conversations they inspire, the contemplation they provoke and the moments of stillness and connection they facilitate during our journey of self-discovery.
A tiny dot is Earth pictured from Mars by NASA's Curiosity Rover.
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